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Converting Decimals to Fractions
Converting a decimal to a fraction simply means to express the decimal in the form of a fraction. So in fraction form, 0.5 can be written as 50/100 (decimal fraction) or as (simplified fraction).
Decimal - A number greater than any whole number.
Fraction - A part of a whole can be expressed as a fraction.
Decimal Fraction - The un-simplified form of a fraction that has been converted from a decimal.
Simplified Fraction - A fraction that has been reduced to the lowest possible whole numbers.
Converting a decimal to a fraction is very easy. We can express the decimal being converted as divisible by 1. So 0.75 can be written as . Now we take the number of decimal places (this particular decimal has places up to the hundredths) and multiply the top and bottom by that number. . This is the decimal fraction. Simplifying this fraction means dividing the top and bottom by the highest common factor (in this case 25), so we get
Converting Decimals to Fractions (Example #1)
We can write , meaning 47 hundredths
Converting Decimals to Fractions (Example #2)
We can write , meaning 6 tenths
Converting Decimals to Fractions (Example #3)
We can write , meaning 111 thousandths
Converting Decimals to Fractions (Example #4)
We can write , meaning 45 hundredths