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Subtracting Larger Whole Numbers


Subtraction means reducing the value of one number by another to find the new value. For example, if you have 7 apples, and give away 3, you are left with 4 (7-3=4). Subtraction is one of the first things you learn in math.

Working with very large numbers isn't much different from working with small numbers; you follow the same processes, just more times.



To subtract numbers from one another, you do it column by column. The same is true of large numbers.

Let's take the sum:

489,563 - 38,741 = ?

The first thing to do is to write them on top of one another, making sure we line up the digits:


Then we start from the furthest right and subtract the bottom digit from the top.

Since 3 - 1 = 2, we can put that in the answer row:


We then move on to the tens column. Since 6-4 = 2, we can add that to the answer row:


Then we come to the hundreds column. This presents us with a bit of a problem since 5-7 is a negative number. Therefore, we need to 'borrow' from the column one to the left. To do that, we take the 9 that's in the thousands column, strike through it and change it to 8 (because we are 'borrowing' 1). Then, with the borrowed 1, we put in front of our 5 to make 15.

489 (8)1563

We can now do the sum of 15 - 7 in the hundreds column, which gives us 8.

489 (8)1563

In the thousands column, our new value at the top is 8, so we do 8-8, which gives us 0 for the answer row:

489 (8)1563

Next, we move to the ten-thousands column, and do 8-3, and add the 5 to the answer row.

489 (8)1563

In the final column (hundred-thousands) we only have the 4, and nothing to subtract from it, so we can put it unchanged in the answer row.

489 (8)1563

Therefore, the answer is:

489,563 - 38,741 = 450,822

If you need to work with even larger numbers, the process is exactly the same.


At the Ones column, we cannot subtract 4 from 1, so we need to borrow from the Tens column
11 is greater than 4, so we can subtract and get 7 in the Ones column
9 is greater than 4, so we can subtract and get 5 in the Tens column
1 is greater than 0, so we can subtract and get 1 in the Hundreds column

Subtracting Larger Whole Numbers Worksheets (PDF)