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Subtracting Fractions and Mixed Numbers


In order to subtract fractions, we find the highest common factor of the denominator, and subtract one equivalent numerator from the other.


Fraction - Fractions are used when using numbers to express parts of whole.
Least/Lowest Common Multiple - The lowest multiple of two or more numbers.
Equivalent Fraction - Equivalent fractions are fractions that have the same value.


When subtracting fractions, we have to make sure the denominators are the same. So if we are given 5616dfrac{5}{6} - dfrac{1}{6} in this case the denominators are the same, so we subtract 1 from 5 5616=46dfrac{5}{6} - dfrac{1}{6} = dfrac{4}{6}, which reduces to 23dfrac{2}{3}

When the denominators are different, we ‘make’ them the same by finding their least common multiple (LCM).

For example, in the problem 6712dfrac{6}{7} - dfrac{1}{2}, the LCM of 7 and 2 is 14

So to make the denominator of 6/7 = x/14, we have to multiply the denominator by 2 (don’t forget to multiply the numerator by 2 as well!). We then get 62/72=12/146*2 / 7*2 = 12/14. Similarly for 1/2, we multiply the numerator and denominator by 7 to get 17/27=7/141*7 / 2*7 = 7/14. The equivalent fractions of 6/7 (12/14) and 1/2 (7/14) now have the same denominators, so we simply subtract 7 from 12 to get 5/14.

When subtracting mixed fractions, we follow the same procedure but we need to convert the mixed fraction to an improper fraction first. So if we are given 1 2/3 – 1/4, we convert 1 2/3 to the improper fraction 5/3. Then we ‘make’ the denominators the same by finding the LCM, so we end up with 54/3413/43=20/123/125*4/3*4 - 1*3/4*3 = 20/12 - 3/12. Since the denominators are now the same, we subtract 3 from 20 to get 17/12, or 1 5/12 (expressed as a mixed fraction).


2313\dfrac{2}{3} - \dfrac{1}{3}
Since these fractions have the same denominator, we can just subtract the numerators
2313=13\dfrac{2}{3} - \dfrac{1}{3} = \dfrac{1}{3}

3413\dfrac{3}{4} - \dfrac{1}{3}
Since these fractions have different denominators, we need to find the least common multiple of the denominators
The least common multiple of 3 and 4 is 12, so we need to multiply to make each of the denominators = 12
3433=912\dfrac{3}{4} * \dfrac{3}{3} = \dfrac{9}{12}
1344=412-\dfrac{1}{3} * \dfrac{4}{4} = -\dfrac{4}{12}
Since these fractions have the same denominator, we can just subtract the numerators
912412=512\dfrac{9}{12} - \dfrac{4}{12} = \dfrac{5}{12}

356+1563\dfrac{5}{6} + 1\dfrac{5}{6}
356+1563\dfrac{5}{6} + 1\dfrac{5}{6}
3+1=43 + 1 = 4
Since these fractions have the same denominator, we can just subtract the numerators
5616=46\dfrac{5}{6} - \dfrac{1}{6} = \dfrac{4}{6}
46\dfrac{4}{6} can be reduced, since 22 is a factor of both 44 and 66:
46÷22=23\dfrac{4}{6} \div \dfrac{2}{2} = \dfrac{2}{3}
The fraction is now in lowest terms
4+23=4234 + \dfrac{2}{3} = 4\dfrac{2}{3}

Subtracting Fractions and Mixed Numbers Worksheets (PDF)

Subtracting Fractions Worksheet 1

Subtracting Fractions Worksheet 2

Subtracting Fractions Worksheet 3